tirsdag den 9. juni 2009

Abusing the EU rules on cross border trade

It's been over a year since I last added anything to this blog, and the main reason for that is that I no longer live in Denmark...wooohooo...all the shopping I do on Amazon and ebay right now!

Anyhow, I was shocked to learn that one of my all-time favourite websites, Book Depository, no longer does the free shipping and UK prices on books to Denmark. In fact, they no longer post to Denmark full stop, which is a real pity. I can only guess, with 99.999% certainty, that some pedantic Danish c*** (c being for customs officer, of course) spotted the budding cross-border EU trade that was developing, and found some obscure law to stop it, or at least make things so awkward for Book Depository that they've decided it isn't worth bothering selling to Denmark any more. Note that Book Depository stills ships to EVERY OTHER EU member country, including Sweden, and non-EU scandinavian reknowned high tax regimes such as Norway and Iceland.

Hang on a sec...wasn't free border trade what we were sold on the EU about in the first place? Hmmmm............

I won't bore you again with my views on excessive socialism, high taxes and the nanny state either. In this case, the evidence is so clear it isn't even worth repeating.