torsdag den 20. marts 2008


3 of my favourite things in the entire world are :-

1) Shopping online at reputable net stores
2) Getting a bargain
3) paying NO Sales Taxes to Greedy Goverments

And thanks to my contacts in the industry,, one of the stars of tax-free shopping, have allowed me to pass on this discount code ACER40, which enables you to claim an amazing EXTRA £40 off when you buy an Acer Laptop from them here.

The laptops are available here on the site and the code to enable the discount on the laptops is ACER40.

The laptop code is only valid against the four products listed and will expire at midnight on Wednesday 26/3/08.

mandag den 10. marts 2008

What is life like in Denmark?

I remember once in junior school, my teacher relating a parable about how some men sat around a cauldron of boiling water. One man had some carrots, another some potatoes, another some meat, another some herbs and spices. After talking amongst each other, they all agreed they could make a delicious broth between them. The first man stepped forward, and unbeknown to the others, pretended to drop his portion of the broth into the cauldron, the next stepped forward and did the exact same thing, followed by the next and then the final man, each only pretending to drop his personal share of the broth into the cauldron. At the end, the men all sat expectantly waiting for the delicious broth they were about to receive. It was served up with anticipation, but each man was left with a bowl of nothing more than boiling water. They all looked at each other, each blaming the other for what had happened, but underlyingly experiencing some shame about their part in this outcome. I can't even remember why she told us this story, but it is the best summation of socialism and in particular, Denmark that I have ever heard in my entire life.